After ushering in the age of internet accessibility for millions, Microsoft’s flagship web browser Internet Explorer has been retired. With June 15th 2022 marking its official departure from service, it is no longer a viable option to explore today’s global web.
IE debuted in ’95 and ushered us into a brave new world of global connection. It reigned supreme as the most popular browser for many years, but this dominance was eventually toppled by fresh innovations like Google Chrome that evolved how we explore online.
In 2014, Internet Explorer dominated the global market share at an impressive 59%. However, this powerhouse was quickly challenged by Chrome and Safari who eventually took over that coveted number one spot in just two short years.
In 2015, Microsoft ushered in a sea change with the release of Edge: a modern browser that was primed to take over as the new official Windows system. With its innovative features and enhanced capabilities, Edge brought an exciting start to this digital transformation.
Technology advances with incredible speed and unfortunately, some of our beloved systems get left behind. Adobe Flash Player was once a go-to for many, but now it’s officially been retired from the tech scene!
As the curtains close on IE, what lies ahead in terms of browsers?
Microsoft is making the switch to usher in a new age of web browsing
Microsoft has marked the end of an era with its retirement of Internet Explorer, redirecting users away from this outdated browser over the coming months and towards a new experience in Edge with IE mode. Say goodbye to clicking that little blue ‘e’!
Microsoft pioneered an innovative solution for organizations still relying on legacy webpages designed for Internet Explorer: IE Mode. This mode, built into Edge, allows users to access these sites without having to install the outdated browser – all while running on a modern engine from IE11!
Dive into a world of modern web browsing with Microsoft Edge!
Microsoft is ushering in a new era of web browsing
Microsoft is making strides towards eradicating the classic yellow IE icons from Windows. Soon these iconic visuals will be a thing of the past, so users should prepare for an upcoming update that ushers in this new era!
Edge is making it easier than ever to switch between browsers
Make the move to Microsoft Edge smoother and easier by allowing it to import all your beloved passwords, favorites settings, browsing history – you name it! All of these will be safely saved in the browser’s settings area and accessible with just a few clicks away.
The end of an era has come
Get rid of the browser and clear some digital space!
These days, relying on outdated technology is like leaving your digital door unlocked – a perfect playground for cybercriminals. With manufacturers no longer supporting them, these aging tools become more vulnerable with each passing day and can leave you wide open to attack if not replaced in time.
With technology constantly evolving, those who don’t keep up pay the price
You should transition your stored information to Microsoft Edge (or another trusted browser). Then uninstall IE from your device or devices.
Working with IE Mode in Edge has never been easier!
Businesses in Japan faced a major setback when the retirement of Internet Explorer came as an unexpected surprise. Without proper preparation, many organizations found themselves scrambling to make sure their systems weren’t impacted.
Despite being forewarned, the end of Internet Explorer came as a surprise to many users and organizations who relied on legacy sites that only function with IE. This shock was felt across multiple industries – from government agencies to financial institutions – leading IT and engineering departments alike fielding numerous calls for aid.
Faced with a last-minute emergency, they had to find creative solutions. They quickly sought access to essential management tools and employee attendance systems in order to move forward successfully.
The transition could’ve been smoother had communication and training partnered with the IE mode launch in Edge, yet 20% of users were still left struggling to figure out what was going on.
Your team needs to stay in the loop, and companies have a simple solution – treat their users to an automated Internet Explorer launch! That way, everyone can get up-to-date with ease.
Help your Employees be Tech-Savvy
Microsoft Edge is the go-to browser for anyone looking to make their online journey faster and more secure. Enjoy quicker responses with its higher speed capability, plus added protection from password breach monitoring. It also has great extras like “collections” that allow you to quickly access webpages and documents in one convenient place!
But with all new tools, if you want employees to use them proficiently, they need to have a chance to learn them. Take the time to transition right, and have your employees trained on Edge.
Are you stuck in the digital dark ages?
Don’t let retirement deadlines creep up on you! Contact us today for a free consultation; take the stress out of transitioning to a new technology – reach out and start building your future today with our tailored tech consultations.