For two decades, phishing emails have been a menace to our cyber security – disguising all sorts of malicious attacks from ransomware and credential theft to databases breaches. It’s no wonder why it sits atop the list for most awareness training programs!
Phishing has become a persistent menace, leveraging cutting-edge technology like AI to make targeted attacks more effective and efficient. Worse still, it’s an ever-evolving threat that continues to confound even the most experienced security professionals – showing just how crafty cybercriminals can be.
Despite the fact that people are more aware of phishing scams, scammers remain persistent and victims continue to fall prey. People still ignorantly open malicious attachments, click on risky links, or share passwords which leaves them exposed to potential disaster – proving that our vigilance against these schemes needs further strengthening!
In May of 2021, phishing attacks increased by 281%. Then in June, they spiked another 284% higher.
Studies show that as soon as 6 months after training, phishing detection skills wane. Employees begin forgetting what they’ve learned, and cybersecurity suffers as a result.
Equip your team with the knowledge they need to ward off cyber threats by introducing them to SLAM – an effective and memorable method of quickly identifying phishing attempts.
Have you heard of the SLAM Method?
Ensuring our emails are safe from malicious intentions can be a tricky task. Fortunately, one mnemonic device used to help us remember important data is the acronym SLAM – an easy-to-remember reminder of four key areas that must all be checked before trusting any message we receive.
These are:
S = Sender L = Links A = Attachments M = Message text
By providing users with the handy acronym “SLAM,” they can quickly and easily guard themselves against malicious emails. This clever device works by helping people recognize suspicious messages – all they have to do is remember the clear-cut cues of this useful abbreviation!
Don’t just accept any message blindly
To avoid falling for scams, it’s critical to pay close attention when checking emails. Unfortunately, malicious actors will often assume identities of relatable sources – from replicating the address or using similar-looking alternatives – thus leaving many vulnerable and unaware that they’re conversing with a fraudster.
Bank of America customers, beware: insidious scammers are using a deceptive ploy to try and steal your valuable information. Crafty criminals have set up fake email addresses that contain some familiar elements – the real company’s URL inside their own domain name (@emcom.bankofamerica.com). Be alert for any suspicious emails claiming to be from Bank of America so you can keep yourself and your data safe!
Tricks like this email have likely caused many unsuspecting victims to give away their most sensitive information – from Social Security Numbers to income details. It’s a convincing ploy, but one that consumers should be on guard against when applying for credit cards or other services.
A few clicks of the mouse and it’s clear this email address has malicious intentions – a method frequently utilized by phishers to target unsuspecting victims via SMS or emails. Be careful!
With just a few keystrokes, you can quickly uncover the truth behind any suspicious email. Take two seconds to type in an address into Google and be one step ahead of phishing scams!
Get the scoop without lifting a finger!
Hyperlinks provide an alluring path that can often bypass antivirus and malware filters; however, these aren’t regular links – they are doorways to malicious sites. Once opened, these dangerous portals may unleash viruses or other harmful code onto your device. Be careful when clicking them!
Emails can be a minefield of scams and false promises, but by observing one tell-tale sign you could save yourself some trouble. Hovering over links without clicking on them is the key to finding out whether an email is authentic or not – when it reveals its true website URL!
When it comes to security, examining emails on mobile devices can be a bit of a challenge. Without the helpful cursor that’s available when using PCs, verifying if an email is legitimate simply by glancing at its URL isn’t always possible – so why take the risk? Instead of clicking through immediately, make sure you go directly to the purported website before deciding whether or not what you’re seeing is authentic.
Be wary of files sent to you by unknown parties
Tricksters may try to entice you with a seemingly innocent file attachment in an email, enticing the recipient that they have won or stumbled upon some great fortune. But be wary – these attachments often conceal malicious content such as viruses and malware designed to steal your personal information!
With cybercriminals constantly devising more sophisticated ways of infecting our digital documents, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stay secure. Even PDFs are not immune – malicious codes have been known to lurk within these file types!
Exercising caution with file attachments is essential – even if it looks familiar, verify its authenticity before opening! To stay safe online and protect your valuable data, use a reliable antivirus/anti-malware program to scan all downloads.
Spend some time to carefully digest the message
Technology has enabled us to take in a lot of information rapidly, but it can be our downfall too – particularly when we’re not careful about detecting phishing emails. A few key details may give away the malicious intent behind such messages and recognizing them is essential for effective security.
Did you find the mistake lurking in the malicious link? See if your eagle eye can detect an error in grammar on this phony post. Don’t be fooled by its clever disguise!
Your item may have shipped, but be wary of emails with minor typos! Errors such as “we confirmation” can mean the message is untrustworthy. Be vigilant and double check for any red flags in communications before responding.
Protect yourself from the biggest online threat
Ensure your business is safe from harmful phishing attempts with a comprehensive approach to cyber security. Combining awareness training for employees and high-quality security software, you can create an ironclad defense against malicious emails – contact us today to get started!